Monday, March 19, 2012

Photo Projects...

So I've been working on hanging pictures lately. 
And working on it...
Working on it....

Finally, we got to hang some! We haven't gotten far, visually, but we feel like we've made progress. 

This is it so far.  (We had to work around the thermostat). We have more than this many frames again to go, so really we are not quite half way done.

And we hung our first canvas print! I recruited my dad to help me attach it to the frame. And he's the one with the staple gun. He helps a ton with my projects. I'm very grateful.

Here's what we ended up with. We took the photo at the Oregon coast. 

I think it looks great. It's definitely not perfect, but it turned out well.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

All is Swell

Things are going great as far as my plants are concerned. :)

As of today this is what my Plumie and Orchid look like...
(sorry the photos are cruddy)

Six and a half leaves, and counting. And all five blossoms open. Yippee!

My latest project has been photos.
I like the idea of a wall-photo-collage, so I am rounding up pictures of from our various trips, hoarding frames to use, and working on the tedious task of 
selecting, organizing, editing, arranging, etc. 
I thought it would be pretty simple - yeah right. It seems like I've been working on it for a month. I just got to a point where I can actually print the photos. Trying to learn Photoshop at the same time made it a little more challenging.

Once I get this done, I can move on to all the other projects I have stacked up. 

I'd better get busy.